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Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Alum Cave to Greenbrier Cove

Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Alum Cave to Greenbrier Cove

BACKPACKER takes you on a classic 50-mile trek in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Besides long mountain views and pristine woods, hikers get to explore …
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. beactivelife says:

    Nice video and trip. Enjoyed watching it.

  2. SoulTrampers says:

    nice vid!!! fantastic place by the looks of things. nice detail of the
    route and map work. superb!!!!!

  3. Chase Asher says:

    last time I was at the bluff I almost saw a lady get killed by a huge chunk
    of ice that fell

  4. Andreas VarghjÀrta says:

    Wow, I wish i could backpack over there. Gotta add it to the list of places
    to go. Great video!

  5. Mike Bean says:

    The last time I was there we did the Alum Cave trail up to Mount LeConte
    then went down The Rainbow Falls trail…around 12 miles. An absolutley
    beautiful area…one of the best I’ve ever been to!

  6. daneelect1 says:

    hi, my name is nick, i live in north carolina. i am in love with the wild
    and am very eager to go on a backpacking/camping trip, but i dont want to
    go alone and i dont know exactly where to go. any tips or advice would be
    great. and if anyone is interested in going on a backpacking/ camping trip,
    let me know

  7. Awsome!!! Wish they would add more vids like similar to this one!!!

  8. TheBirdshat says:

    3:52 check out the lady in the high heels and business skirt setting up
    camp lol

  9. Tim Hodsdon says:

    Great video. I pass by that area all the time and would love to make that
    hike…gottat get in shape first. : )

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